Here is what comes with the game
Item Description:
One JAMMA ready arcade system containing 465 vertical ready to play games. Choose from classics like Frogger, Donkey Kong, and Pac-Man to HOT shooters (Shoot em' ups) like 19XX, Strikers 1945 II, and Varth! The game selection menu is extremely simple to understand and navigate. To select a game, simply scroll through the list and press your button to select. At anytime during the active game, the player can return back to main game selection menu by holding in the start button for 3 seconds. This system uses FAST and STABLE Card Flash technology so there is no slow, clunky hard drive to fail! It can support up to 4 players via a remote 3/4P Interfacing card (which connects into another JAMMA cabinet so TWO cabinets are LINKED TOGETHER!).
Features:Universal JAMMA Connector User Friendly Game Selection Screen P4 Motherboard using genuine Intel Processor and Card Flash memory creates a faster/more stable system! User Adjustable Game Options (Game Dip Switch Settings; Number of Lives, Difficulty, etc) Supports 1-4 Player Games (players 3 & 4 via linking - kit included) Supports two-channel audio (Stereo Sound) Supports CGA Standard Arcade Monitor (15kHz) Supports Upright Cabinets (will not flip screen for cocktails) Enable One Game (for a dedicated machine if desired) or All Games Enable/Disable Individual Game Categories From Showing Delete/Undelete Each Game Set Coin/Credit Ratio of All Games with One Setting Supports a Coin Counter
System Specifications:
JAMMA Controller/Interface PCBP4 Motherboard (Intel Celeron4 CPU, CF Memory, 256M DDR)
Game Listing:
1 - Frogger2 - Galaga 3 (rev. C)3 - Galaga (Namco rev. B)4 - Gyruss (Konami)5 - Lady Bug6 - Burger Time (Data East set 1)7 - Centipede (revision 3)8 - Millipede9 - Jr. Pac-Man10 - Space Panic (version E)11 - Super Breakout12 - New Rally X13 - Van-Van Car14 - King & Balloon (US)15 - Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)16 - Juno First17 - Qix (set 1)18 - Ms. Pac-Man19 - Gaplus (rev. D)20 - Arkanoid (World)21 - 1941 - Counter Attack (World)22 - 1942 (set 1)23 - 1942 (set 2)24 - 1942 (set 3)25 - 1943: The Battle of Midway (US)26 - 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan)27 - 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan)28 - 19XX: The War Against Destiny (US 951207)29 - 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Hispanic951218)30 - 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Japan951207)31 - Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)32 - Eight Ball Action (DKJr conversion)33 - '99: The Last War34 - '99: The Last War (alternate)35 - Aero Fighters36 - Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1)37 - Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2)38 - Air Gallet39 - Air Duel (Japan)40 - Ajax41 - Ajax (Japan)42 - Alphax Z, The (Japan)43 - Sei Senshi Amatelass44 - Soldier Girl Amazon45 - Arbalester46 - Argus47 - Armed Formation48 - Ashura Blaster (Japan)49 - Ashura Blaster (US)50 - Asuka & Asuka (Japan)51 - Asylum (prototype)52 - Avengers (US set 2)53 - Avengers (US set 1)54 - Bagman55 - Bagman (Stern set 1)56 - Bagman (Stern set 2)57 - Armed Police Batrider (Japan, version B)58 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 2)59 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 3)60 - Battle Lane! Vol. 5 (set 1)61 - Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Denmark / China)(Tue Apr 2 1996)62 - Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia)(Sat Feb 3 1996)63 - Battle Garegga (Austria / Hong Kong) (SatMar 2 1996)64 - Battles65 - Battlantis (Japan)66 - Battlantis67 - Battle-Road, The68 - Beastie Feastie69 - Bermuda Triangle (Japan)70 - Blast Off (Japan)71 - Block Block (bootleg)72 - Block Carnival / Thunder & Lightning 273 - Block Block (Japan 910910)74 - Bells & Whistles (Version L)75 - Blue Hawk76 - Blue Hawk (NTC)77 - Blue Print (Jaleco)78 - Blue Print (Midway)79 - Bomb Jack (set 2)80 - Bomb Jack (set 1)81 - Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan)82 - B-Wings (Japan)83 - Battle Wings84 - Caliber 5085 - Cavelon86 - Chinese Hero87 - Chopper I (US set 1)88 - Chopper I (US set 2)89 - Chopper I (US set 3)90 - Circus Charlie (Centuri)91 - "Circus Charlie (Centuri, earlier)"92 - Crazy Kong (set 1)93 - Crazy Kong (set 2)94 - Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg)95 - Crazy Kong (Jeutel bootleg)96 - Crazy Kong (Orca bootleg)97 - Crazy Kong (Scramble hardware)98 - Senjou no Ookami99 - Commando (World)100 - Commando (US)101 - Congo Bongo102 - Contra (US)103 - Contra (Japan)104 - Cosmo Gang the Video (US)105 - Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)106 - Crazy Cop (Japan)107 - Cybattler108 - Daioh109 - Daisenpu (Japan)110 - Dangar - Ufo Robo (12/1/1986)111 - Dangar - Ufo Robo (9/26/1986)112 - Dangar - Ufo Robo (bootleg)113 - Dangerous Seed (Japan)114 - Darwin 4078 (Japan)115 - DoDonPachi (International)116 - DoDonPachi (Japan)117 - Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan ver. J)118 - "Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware, bootleg?)"119 - Devil Fish120 - Dangun Feveron (Japan)121 - Dig Dug II (New Ver.)122 - Dig Dug II (Old Ver.)123 - Dimahoo (US 000121)124 - Donkey Kong Junior (bootleg?)125 - Donkey Kong Junior (Japan?)126 - Donkey Kong (US set 1)127 - Donkey Kong 3 (US)128 - Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Donkey Kong Jr.hardware)129 - Donkey Kong 3 (Japan)130 - Donkey Kong (Japan set 2)131 - Donkey Kong (Japan set 3) (bad dump?)132 - Donkey Kong (Japan set 1)133 - Donkey Kong Junior (US)134 - Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg)135 - Donkey Kong Jr. (Japan)136 - Donkey Kong Jr. (Moon Cresta hardware)137 - Donkey Kong (US set 2)138 - Dog Fight (Thunderbolt)139 - Dogou Souken140 - Dommy141 - DonPachi (US)142 - Drift Out (Japan)143 - Drive Out144 - Dr. Micro145 - Dragon Spirit (new version)146 - Dragon Spirit (old version)147 - Dyger (Korea set 1)148 - Dyger (Korea set 2)149 - U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan)150 - Eight Forces151 - (International Ver 1998 4/22)152 - Evil Stone153 - Exed Exes154 - Exerion155 - Exerion (bootleg)156 - Exerion (Taito)157 - Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg)158 - Explorer159 - Fighting Hawk (World)160 - Flak Attack (Japan)161 - Free Kick (bootleg)162 - Freeze163 - Flying Shark (World)164 - Flying Shark (bootleg)165 - Final Star Force (US)166 - Galaga '88 (Japan)167 - Galaxy Gunners168 - Galivan - Cosmo Police (12/16/1985)169 - Galivan - Cosmo Police (12/11/1985)170 - Galmedes (Japan)171 - Gals Panic (set 1)172 - Gang Busters173 - Gekirindan (Ver 2.3J 1995/09/21)174 - Gemini Wing175 - Gondomania (US)176 - Gorf177 - Gorf (Program 1)178 - Grobda (New Ver.)179 - Gryzor180 - Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver181 - Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver182 - 13J)Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer (Ver183 - 13A)Gunbird (World)184 - Gundhara185 - Gun.Smoke (US set 2)186 - Gun.Smoke (World)187 - Gun.Smoke (Japan)188 - Gun.Smoke (US set 1)189 - Guwange (Japan)190 - Guerrilla War (bootleg)191 - Gyrodine192 - Hero in the Castle of Doom (DK conversion)193 - Hero in the Castle of Doom (DK conversionnot encrypted)194 - Hishou Zame (Japan)195 - Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen196 - Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (bootleg)197 - Hotdog Storm198 - Ikari Warriors (US)199 - Ikari (Japan)200 - Ikari (Japan bootleg)201 - Image Fight (Japan)202 - Jackal (World)203 - Tokushu Butai Jackal (Japan)204 - Jumping Jack205 - Jump Bug206 - Jump Bug (bootleg)207 - Jump Coaster208 - Jump Shot209 - Jungler210 - Jungler (Stern)211 - Kageki (US)212 - Kageki (Japan)213 - Kamikaze Cabbie214 - Kangaroo215 - Kicker216 - Kyukyoku Tiger II (Ver 2.1J 1995/11/30)217 - Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. K)218 - Labyrinth Runner (Japan)219 - Last Day, The (set 1)220 - Last Day, The (set 2)221 - Last Duel (US set 1)222 - Koukuu Kihei Monogatari - The Legend ofAir Cavalry (Japan)223 - Lethal Thunder (World)224 - Lightning Fighters (World)225 - Liberation (bootleg)226 - Liberation227 - 13O)Lizard Wizard228 - Last Duel (US set 2)229 - Last Duel (bootleg)230 - Legendary Wings (US set 1)231 - Legendary Wings (US set 2)232 - Ares no Tsubasa (Japan)233 - Mission 660 (US)234 - Mission 660 (bootleg)235 - Mission 660 (Japan)236 - Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)237 - Makyou Senshi (Japan)238 - Mappy (US)239 - Mappy (Japan)240 - Master of Weapon (World)241 - Mazinger Z242 - Mega Force243 - Mercs (World 900302)244 - Senjou no Ookami II (Japan 900302)245 - Mercs (US 900302)246 - Mercs (US 900608)247 - Meta Fox248 - Mikie249 - Mikie (High School Graffiti)250 - Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun251 - Maze of Flott (Japan)252 - Moon Alien Part 2253 - Moon Alien Part 2 (older version)254 - Moon Cresta (Galaxian hardware)255 - Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2)256 - Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, old rev)257 - Moon Cresta (bootleg set 1)258 - Moon Cresta (Gremlin)259 - Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)260 - Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu, unencrypted)261 - Moon Quasar262 - Moonwar263 - Moonwar (older)264 - Motos265 - Mr. Do!266 - Mr. Kougar267 - Mr. Kougar (bootleg)268 - Mr. Kougar (earlier)269 - Mister Viking270 - Mister Viking (Japan)271 - MX5000272 - Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure273 - Mysterious Stones - Dr. John's Adventure274 - SD Gundam Neo Battling (Japan)275 - Newpuc2276 - Newpuc2 (set 2)277 - New Puck-X278 - Nitro Ball (US)279 - Naughty Mouse (set 1)280 - Naughty Mouse (set 2)281 - Noboranka (Japan)282 - Omega Fighter283 - Omega Fighter Special284 - Pac-Man (Midway)285 - Pac-Man (Midway, harder)286 - Pandora's Palace287 - Passing Shot (2 Players) (bootleg)288 - Pinball Action (set 2)289 - Pinball Action (set 1)290 - Peggle (Joystick, v1.0)291 - Peggle (Trackball, v1.0)292 - Pengo (set 1 rev c)293 - Pengo (set 2)294 - Pengo (set 2 not encrypted)295 - Pengo (set 3 not encrypted)296 - Pengo (bootleg)297 - Performan (Japan)298 - Performan (US)299 - Phelios (Japan)300 - Phoenix (Amstar)301 - Phoenix (T.P.N.)302 - Phoenix (Centuri)303 - "Phoenix (IRECSA, G.G.I Corp)"304 - Phoenix (Taito)305 - Pinbo (set 1)306 - Pinbo (Strike)307 - Pleiads (bootleg)308 - Pleiads (Centuri)309 - Pleiads (Tehkan)310 - Plus Alpha311 - Pollux (set 1)312 - Pollux (set 2)313 - Pootan314 - Pooyan315 - Pooyan (Stern)316 - Progress317 - "PuckMan (Japan set 1, Probably Bootleg)"318 - PuckMan (Japan set 2)319 - Puzzle Club (Japan prototype)320 - Rafflesia321 - Raiden322 - Rally Bike / Dash Yarou323 - Repulse324 - Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 1)325 - Return of the Invaders (bootleg set 2)326 - Road Fighter (set 1)327 - Road Fighter (set 2)328 - R-Shark329 - Run Deep330 - Rush & Crash (Japan)331 - Ryu Jin (Japan)332 - Strikers 1945333 - Strikers 1945 II334 - "Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected)"335 - Samurai Aces (World)336 - Savage Bees337 - Super Bagman338 - Super Bagman (Stern)339 - Super Basketball (version G)340 - Super Basketball (version E)341 - Super Basketball (not encrypted)342 - Super Bike (DK conversion)343 - Super Cobra344 - Super Cobra (bootleg)345 - Super Cobra (Stern)346 - Super Cobra (Sega)347 - Scramble (Galaxian hardware)348 - Scramble349 - Scramble (Stern)350 - SAR - Search And Rescue (World)351 - SAR - Search And Rescue (US)352 - Shao-Lin's Road353 - Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan)354 - Space Invasion (Europe)355 - Space Invasion (bootleg)356 - Sky Adventure (Japan)357 - Sky Adventure (World)358 - Sky Adventure (US)359 - Sky Alert360 - Sky Army361 - Sky Base362 - Sky Bumper363 - Sky Fox364 - Sky Shark (US)365 - Sky Smasher366 - Sky Soldiers (US)367 - Slap Fight (Japan bootleg)368 - Slap Fight (English bootleg)369 - Sengoku Ace (Japan)370 - Sonic Wings (Japan)371 - Son of Phoenix372 - Space Pilot373 - Speed Coin (prototype)374 - Speed Ball375 - Spy Hunter376 - Super Real Darwin (World)377 - Super Real Darwin (Japan)378 - S.R.D. Mission379 - Speed Rumbler, The (set 1)380 - Speed Rumbler, The (set 2)381 - Star Force382 - Star Force (encrypted)383 - Strike Gunner S.T.G384 - SWAT385 - Super Xevious386 - Tank Battalion387 - Tank Busters388 - Thunder Dragon389 - Thunder Dragon 2390 - Thunder Dragon (Bootleg)391 - Terra Cresta (YM2203)392 - Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 2)393 - Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1)394 - "Deep, The (Japan)"395 - "Hustler, The (Japan version M)"396 - Thunder Blaster (Japan)397 - Tiger Heli (US)398 - Tiger Heli (bootleg set 1)399 - Tiger Heli (bootleg set 2)400 - Tiger Heli (Japan set 2)401 - Time Pilot402 - Time Pilot (Centuri)403 - "Time Scanner (set 1, System 16A, FD1089B317-0024)"404 - "Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B)"405 - Time Soldiers (US Rev 1)406 - Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)407 - Thundercade / Twin Formation408 - Tokusyu Butai U.A.G. (Japan)409 - Tower of Druaga (New Ver.)410 - Tower of Druaga (Old Ver.)411 - Tokio / Scramble Formation (bootleg)412 - Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier413 - Top Gunner (bootleg)414 - Top Gunner (US)415 - Time Pilot '84 (set 1)416 - Time Pilot '84 (set 2)417 - Trick Trap (World?)418 - Trigon (Japan)419 - Triple Punch420 - Tri-Pool (Casino Tech)421 - Tri-Pool (Costal Games)422 - Tri-Sports423 - Truxton / Tatsujin424 - Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh (Japan)425 - Turbo426 - Turbo (encrypted set 1)427 - Turbo (encrypted set 2)428 - Turbo Force429 - Tutankham430 - Tutankham (Stern)431 - TwinBee432 - Twin Cobra (World)433 - Twin Cobra (US)434 - Twin Eagle - Revenge Joe's Brother435 - Twin Hawk (World)436 - Twin Hawk (US)437 - Typhoon438 - Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (Japan920714)439 - Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (US 920612)440 - Vasara441 - Victory Road442 - Vulgus (set 1)443 - Vulgus (set 2)444 - Vulgus (Japan?)445 - Wanted446 - Wiz447 - Wiz (Taito)448 - Water Match449 - Wonder Planet (Japan)450 - World Wars (World)451 - War of Aero - Project MEIOU452 - Xevios453 - Xevious (Namco)454 - Xevious (Atari set 1)455 - Xevious (Atari set 2)456 - XX Mission457 - Yankee DO!458 - Youjyuden (Japan)459 - Youma Ninpou Chou (Japan)460 - Zaviga461 - Zaviga (Japan)462 - Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 1)463 - Zig Zag (Galaxian hardware, set 2)464 - Zing Zing Zip465 - Zoar
Dear Friends,
It's been some time since we contacted you.

Wanted to let our customers in on some great deals we have right now. One of our most popular arcade games the MULTICADE with 60 of the all time hottest classic games in one beautiful cabinet is now available in it's original cocktail version. This cocktail version comes in walnut or black cabinet. This game sells for $2995 and we are offering it this week to our customers for only $2195 and FREE SHIPPING ($375 value). These are commercial quality coin operated games. If you want to see list of the 60 games email me We do still have some stand up versions left for $1995.
Email me any Questions you may have
We also are having a great sale on our refurbished arcade games and have tons we need to get rid of and make room for more coming in. Driving games from $1495, Gun Games from $1295, Golden T Golf Games from $1295, Mega Touch Bartop Touchscreen Games from $1295, Pinball Machines from $1895, Slot Machines from $995, Redemption Games from $1395, Pool Tables from $1695, and Much More.
Tell me what your looking for and I will get you the best price I can
Shipping prices have come down a bit with the gas prices so we can probably get you that new game you've been waiting for in a price budget you can afford.
Give me your zipcode and item you want and I can get you that shipping quote
Our party season is upon us. If your in the Florida area we are here to supply you all your games for your next event and make it a huge success. Company parties, Graduations, Summer Parties, Corporate Picnics, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings, Give us a call and see what we can do for you to bring lots of fun to your next event.
We are always taking trade in's. So your in the market for a new game for your rec room, don't have the room or the budget? Let us know what you want and what you want to trade for. We will accommodate you the best we can to make a deal.
Call us anytime you need anything 1-800-966-9873 ext 209