

Fake Video Games Are A Waste Of Money

You've heard of fake designer labels, bootleg movies and music, but now it's fake video games.
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Consumers may be wasting their money on counterfeit video games without realizing they're not buying the real thing. A Cleveland OH, mall kiosk sold packages of classic video games for $59.95. Along with the dozens of games came something advertised as a Ninetendo 64 console. The games look like familiar titles such as Pac-Man, but they have different names. The Pac-Man look-alike is called Mr. Maze, for example.Another problem: The box of games lists no company, no address and no point of origin.The legality of this retail gambit is unclear, but a Nintendo representative said the company has received hundreds of complaints about the consoles. Unfortunately, it can't help service the devices, because it didn't make them.The company is writing to malls across the country, asking them to prevent the sales of these fake controllers.Matarese reported that consumers would not run afoul of the law for purchasing these counterfeit games, but there may be no way to return the game controller if it breaks.

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