

Think video games are kid stuff? Think again

Lead concept artist, Donald Yatomi for Incognito Entertainment in Salt Lake. (Francisco Kjolseth/The Salt Lake Tribune)

Thirty-four years ago, University of Utah graduate Nolan Bushnell converted his daughter's bedroom into a lab to create "Computer Space," the world's first marketable video game. A year later, Bushnell, the founder of Atari altered the course of entertainment
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with his little lunchtime distraction called "Pong." Video gaming since has evolved, to say the least. A cultural phenomenon, it has changed the way we live, think, work and play. Video gaming is art. It's multiple forms of entertainment converged into

Shalese Andersen of Murray who works at Fashion Place Mall has been a gamer since she was a kid, however for the past three years she considers herself a hardcore gamer. Since moving into a new home several months ago, the gaming system was the first thing to be unpacked, as the rest of her belongings remain in boxes waiting their turn. (Francisco Kjolseth/The Salt Lake Tribune)

one. It's also the subject of occasional controversy. For some, it becomes a life-consuming obsession. Starting Tuesday, gaming morphs once again when Xbox 360, Microsoft's new home video-game console, debuts worldwide. The console, which costs $299 to $399, is a home multimedia hub that plays music, streams video and connects to the Web for immersive, interactive entertainment. So if you're inclined to dismiss gaming as an adolescent boys' fascination, resist that temptation. Today we have profiles of Utah gamers that may surprise you.

Cathy Macumber, a middle aged-mom and wife has become a hardcore video gamer over the years, first getting hooked with Pong when she was 13 years old. (Francisco Kjolseth/The Salt Lake Tribune)

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