

Bleeps, bloops, strings and horns

Here is composer Tommy Tallarico's guide to notable segments of the upcoming ``Video Games Live'' concert at the San Jose Civic Auditorium:
Arcade games: An eight-minute history of the early video game industry, starting in 1972 with ``Pong'' and continuing to 1988 and ``Tetris.'' Classic game melodies played by a full orchestra.
``Metal Gear Solid'': Music from film composer Harry Gregson-Williams (``Shrek''). The sounds of the symphony and choir are contrasted with electronic music and drumbeats.
``Castlevania'': A haunting string and horn arrangement that evokes 18th-century Europe.
``God of War'': Watch out, ``Carmina Burana.'' This score combines sheer power with a spectacular choral experience.
``Medal of Honor'': Reminiscent of Barber's ``Adagio for Strings.'' The compositions by Michael Giacchino (``Lost,'' ``Alias,'' ``The Incredibles'') represent some of the most emotional and touching music in video games.
``Space Invaders'': Known for its pounding, heartbeat-like rhythm, which quickens as the game progresses.
``Mario'': Melodic symphony swing.
``Beyond Good & Evil'': Modern drumbeats and floating woodwinds play along with the sweeping orchestral movements, interleaved with a solo choral section.
``The Legend of Zelda'': An orchestral presentation brings an uplifting and Disney-esque feel to one of the most memorable game melodies of all time.
``Tron'': A medley of musical moments from both movies and games, written by film composer Wendy Carlos. Orchestra meets synthesizer.
``Frogger'': Audience members compete on stage in conjunction with a big-screen display as the orchestra changes the score on the fly, depending on what the player is doing.
``Kingdom Hearts'': A celebration of moments from Disney film history.
``Myst'': Ethnic and handmade instruments, Eastern European vocal styles and pounding percussion make this one of the highlights of the evening.
``Warcraft'': A Gregorian and Latin choral showcase.
``Final Fantasy'': A solo piano performance, covering almost a dozen ``Final Fantasy'' games, will be played by Martin Leung (``the video game pianist''). The styles range from ballads to swing.
``Advent Rising'': The score emulates early Italian opera.
``Halo'': The chant of Himalayan monks starts off the piece, and massive Taiko drums and electronic percussion explode in combination with a video and lighting spectacle that provides a grand finale.

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